One year ago today I was a miserable mess. A very large miserable mess. One year ago today I was uncomfortable, worried, and oh-so-ready to be done with pregnancy. And really, really large. Did I mention that already?

One year ago today I needed a crane to move me from room to room.
One year ago today I couldn’t sleep comfortably in my bed — even with the aid of seven bed pillows to prop me up. I couldn’t comfortably hold or hug my four-year old, and to see me attempt to clip my fat cat’s claws was actually quite humorous. I was at least two centimeters dilated, sick with a cold, and desperately grateful my mom had arrived to help hold down the fort and make chicken soup.
In the midst of being so miserable, I was also thrilled I had made it as far as I did, pregnant at thirty-eight weeks with twins. Healthy twins. I had been determined to make it to April 8th, my father’s sixty-fifth birthday. My doctor thought I was a crazy woman, carrying almost twelve pounds of baby in my five-foot-one frame, to not want to up the delivery date, but dammit, I had scheduled everyone to within an inch of their lives.
One year ago today I thought I had an idea of what the next year would hold, but I really had no clue.
I was just ready to be done with the massive belly.
Papa Jack just came by my workstation and asked with much excitement “did you see the video for the twins?” and so I did. Abi, what a beautiful job you are doing with your family. You are a woman who is using her gifts wisely. Thank you for sharing this.