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Category Archives: General Chaos

The mutual sibling adoration club

We’ve been having issues with Ethan at bedtime lately. Okay, we’ve ALWAYS had issues, but it seems, lately, that the getting out of bed routine has become more frequent. It’s the age-old story of I-can’t-sleep, or, I-heard-a-scary-noise, or, I-just-have-to-tell-you-just-one-thing. He comes out of his room and sits, looking down through the rails on the stairs […]

Pregnant? Have I got some advice for you!

Hey, pregnant women… have you ever been out shopping, minding your own business, lost in your own thought, when some crazy, wild-eyed lady comes up to you and strikes up a conversation out of the blue, offering you advice? Um, hi. Yeah, that’s me. Sorry for freaking you out. I can’t help it. Through two […]

Oh! Look! Twins!

“I’m sorry,” the lady at Trader Joe’s said to me as I pushed the double stroller, laden with kids and shopping bags on hooks, past the twelve-foot high mountain of breakfast cereal at the end of the frozen food aisle. “I don’t mean to stare.” “It’s okay,” I weakly smiled at her, ushering Ethan away […]

Oh, right! Happy New Year!

My husband does not have your regular nine-to-five job. He doesn’t even have an eight-to-six job. When you work in Logic Man’s field, you can’t really count on regular hours, uh, regularly. I got very used to that before having kids, and then had to do some serious adjustments after Ethan was born. When the […]


The last three months have been quite trying. Family hurdles to try to overcome, personal challenges to try to not let get me down. And then, oh yeah, trying to manage a house full of little tyrants. I look at the piles of stuff around the house and think I really must do something about […]