“What do you guys think we should do for Daddy’s birthday tomorrow?” I queried Henry and Miranda last night as I was tucking them in. (Jack was working late.)
“I think… I think we should give Daddy a… a… a NEW COMPUTER!” offered a happily bouncing Miranda.
“Hmmm… That’s an interesting idea,” I replied. “What do you think, Henry?”
“I think we should give Daddy, um… ummmm… a TOASTER!” Henry beamed.
“A toaster?” I asked, unsure if I had heard him correctly.
“Yep. Dat’s what dat I said! A toaster!” Henry confirmed, quite proud of the idea.
“Let’s wrap up the toaster!” Miranda chimed in.
“The toaster we have downstairs?” I wondered.
“YES! YES!” was the chorused reply.
“Wellll, I think Daddy has already seen that toaster. What if we were to make him breakfast in bed and give him lots of hugs and kisses?”
“So so so so so so many kisses!” Miranda chirped.
“And and and so so so so many hugs!” Henry added.
“Let’s hug the tuna salad out of him!” Miranda squealed.
“Yeah!” Henry agreed. “Yet’s hug AND kiss da tuna sayahd out of him!”
“That’s a fun idea!” I said.
“But he should still get da toaster!” Henry said.
“And some tuna salad?” I asked.
“Yeah!” replied Henry.
“So we can can hug it out of him!” Miranda concluded.
Ethan, standing in the doorway, said, “I’m going to stick with giving him the poster I made. I’m not a fan of tuna salad.”